Dr. Steven Greer on The Joe Rogan Experience (youtube)

mmm, this is quite interesting, a talk about consciousness, reality, something called “coherent thought”, and alien visitors.



– J

p.s. I have a new project on the horizon that I will be posting here. It will be a youtube channel featuring fiction, philosophy, video games, and the same kinds of thought that I here promote and express. Should be fun! 😀

About Ossington

I often think but seldom share these thoughts. And if the product of my thinking is to affect anything but my own sense of satisfaction, then surely it must be shared. Here you may try to know what I believe to know.
This entry was posted in Being, conjecture, Cosmos, dreams, drugs, existence, God, Humanity, identity, Joe Rogan, Life, meditation, perspective, philosophy, reality, religion, Science, science & technology, theism, Universe, video, world and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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