Stefan Molyneux & Joe Rogan | (Un)defining ‘Life’ | Technocracy movement

Important edit 20201018: NOTE! This was shared long before I learned about what Stefan Molyneux was all about. TO BE SURE, I do not like Stefan, and my sharing this was more about my intellectual naïveté at the time of posting this. I do not know if Stefan got worse over time, or if he was always as he is. Not a fan. Not a fan at all.

Ho folks,

Here’s some cool stuff for you to think about.

If you’re cleaning up the house, or going on a long drive, the youtube talk below would be best. If, however, you just want to read one good article today, I would recommend the Scientific American piece by Ferris Jabr, beneath the video.

A large album of exposures captured by the Cassini spacecraft of the Saturnian system.

A large album of exposures captured by the Cassini spacecraft of the Saturnian system.

Canadian philosopher Stefan Molyneux sits down with Joe Rogan to talk politics, economy, and non-aggression. Always fun (?) to hear these two gab. 

Below is an interesting piece on life, and how our seemingly futile attempts to define it (as being apart and distinct from the material world, the atoms in the void) illuminates something about ourselves and this Cosmos of which we spawn, and are.

blogs.scientificamerican - Ferris Jabr -  Why Life Does Not Really Exist (click for article)

blogs.scientificamerican – Ferris Jabr – Why Life Does Not Really Exist (click for article)

Below is a Wikipedia article on the movement in the early 1900s that wanted to replace all politicians and business persons with scientists and engineers (click on the image).

Technocracy movement – Wikipedia


– J

Important edit 20201018: NOTE! This was shared long before I learned about what Stefan Molyneux was all about. TO BE SURE, I do not like Stefan, and my sharing this was more about my intellectual naïveté at the time of posting this. I do not know if Stefan got worse over time, or if he was always as he is. Not a fan. Not a fan at all.

To be extra sure, in 2020, I would not advise listening to anything Molyneux has to say. Admittedly, I do need to look further into it/him, but, yeah, I don’t want to at the moment.

Perhaps, in time, I can look into him, and share my findings, here. Until this, yuck, yeah, please forgive me for sharing his stuff.

About Ossington

I often think but seldom share these thoughts. And if the product of my thinking is to affect anything but my own sense of satisfaction, then surely it must be shared. Here you may try to know what I believe to know.
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