Saturday Stuff – American Netflix for Canadians

What a nice day it is today.

Here’s some cool stuff that has been distracting me from a more constructive use of my time, and a more valuable existence. 😉

Dope-as-Christ 80s Dancercize

Let me be frank, Frank: This is Majestic as fuck.

Let me be frank,
Frank: This is Majestic as fuck.

oh shit, I am lapsing back into environmentalism! (This time about our soil)

Daft Punk and Milla Jovovich

Daft Punk and Milla Jovovich

If you are a Canadian (or a non-American, I guess), then you cannot access the full breadth of Netflix content.

However, if you go to Media Hint (link) you can download a browser extension, and then presto… you’ve got all the shows.

Sooner or later they’re probably going to plug the hole, and we’ll be back to regular non-American Netflix.

What Mars looked like over 4 billion years ago

“What a Wonderful World” by David Attenborough – BBC Frozen Planet

Regrets serve us only insofar as they guide our actions in the present, toward a future. To wallow in the past is to admit to boredom of the present, and the present is your life, damn it.

Some beautiful… horror, beautiful horror.
(1945 Outstanding Gun Camera Raw Footage from Japan)

Some logic against nuclear cars

(Apparently) The tallest statue in the world, Ushiku Daibutsu.

(Apparently) The tallest statue in the world, Ushiku Daibutsu.

Some dogs getting their hate-on for the local law enforcement.

Adam Savage, Mythbusters

Adam Savage’s twisted humour

@weedhitler @vectorbelly

@weedhitler @vectorbelly

I love that last comic, we’ll end it there.

Take it easy, friends.

– J

About Ossington

I often think but seldom share these thoughts. And if the product of my thinking is to affect anything but my own sense of satisfaction, then surely it must be shared. Here you may try to know what I believe to know.
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